Crossflow/Banki TURBINE
A Cheap and Reliable Solution for Your Power Plant, Tested by Thousands of Installations Worldwide
We supply turbines to new power plants and service, maintain and re-technologise existing power plants equipped with CINK Banki or Crossflow turbines. We service all mechanical, electrical and hydraulic hydro power plant components.
Flat Curve of Crossflow/Banki Turbine Effectiveness
The flat curve of the crossflow turbine effectiveness, consisting of 3 effectiveness curves for sectional regulation in the 1/3 to 2/3 ratio, compared to Francis turbine: overall effectiveness of flow turbines installed on lower descent heights of 5-35m ranges between 80 and 84% across the regulated range. Maximum effectiveness for medium and long descents reaches up to 87%.
Application Areas for Crossflow/Banki Turbines
10 kW-5.000 kW/unit
Descent range: 5-150 m
Flow rate 40-10.000 l/s
SHPP (small hydro power plants) with direct water consumption – derivation
SHPP on dams
SHPP in drinking water systems
SHPP in WWTP (wastewater treatment plants)
SHPP for electrification of remote areas=island operations
Re-technologisation of SHPP with original fountain turbines of Francis type
Advantages in Comparison to Other Turbine Types
- Higher annual generation allowed by high efficacy of the equipment from 15 % of rated flow rate up
- Effective power generation at mere 6% of rate flow rate
- Turbine width optimisation to local conditions
- Runner with self-cleaning effect, without the risk of clogging in case of over flood
- Effective operation option at changeable descent heights and flow rates
- Easy installation with minimum building work demand
- Nearly maintenance-free operation
- High resistance to mechanical abrasion by foreign objects carried by water
- Quality and reliability tested by thousands of installations all over the world
- Short delivery deadlines thanks to kit construction